Friday, February 19, 2010

All of ze ties.

So... uploading each individual tie got incredibly boring. As you aybe to tell by my stopping altogether for many months. So here are all of them !

This photo's far too small to appreciate them, but we'll move on.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Paisley Ties

Here is something I collect.

I have paisley ties. They were $1 each. I now have 10. They are beautiful and I love them.

Chartreuse (enjoys the beach)

Phillip (can be moody)

Frances (doesn't like oranges)

Maureen (he's a tick)

Gretel (she's a scrag)

That is enough paisley ties for now. I shall post the rest.. next time.
Also to come, brooches, shoes, and other glorious things discovered in op-shops.

Maybe you can purchase some? People do get angry at me for buying shoes which are too small for me, despite how beautiful they are.

Though I do love my materialistic goods, so it could take a lot for me to part with them.